This is Yamashita's first solo album that included all his releases from Daite Señorita till his newest single Hadakanbo, it's divided to two parts ... CD 1 SUPERGOOD while CD 2 SUPERBAD.
Artist: Yamashita Tomohisa
Release Date: 2011.01.26
1. 抱いてセニョリータ (Daite Senorita)
The first track is from his debut solo single which was used in j-drama Kurosagi, honestly this song made me a fan of him. It's catchy specially at the chorus lines, the instruments are basically blending electric guitar and strings which flows well with his vocals. This track stayed my favorite for a really long time and it will still stay XD
2. はだかんぼー(Album version) (Hadakanbo)
The next track is a jazzy track which was released on 19th before this album, Yamapi described it as “Who needs lies, go as your true self. The lyrics are about baring your heart and letting out what is truly you” . His vocals are more mature in this track and he hits high notes flawlessly in the chorus, I find this track relaxing because of the jazzy feeling in it.
3. 月と太陽のラブソディ(Tsuki to Taiyo no Rhapsody)
“It’s a song aimed at a rival; like, ‘I won’t lose to you but you better not lose to me either’. It’s got a hint of Showa period feel and a global view.” Moving on to the next track is an upbeat pop track blending strings and fast beat drums along with some of electric guitar at the intro and between the verses. I felt he was straining his voice during the chorus or maybe it was just me, great track though.
4. Crazy You
Another upbeat track, I didn't like this track much because it sounded the same like any j-pop song. Yamapi's vocals were straining on the chorus lines but I liked the speedy vocals between the verse lines and the chorus, enjoyable though.
5. サンタマリア (Santa Maria)
The next track is a bit downbeat during the verse lines then goes faster beat at the chorus, his vocals are really gentle and nice. He described this track as “Thoughts about admiring Saint Mary” It grew in me after few listens so I'm starting to like it.
6. 溺愛ROBOT (Dekiai ROBOT)
Fast beat track again, I have mixed feelings about this track, I like it but at the same time I don't. I like the fast beat arrangement and the part before the chorus, his vocals flows well in the beat. The chorus is catchy and his vocals has a charm in it during it, I could say I like it after few more listens.
7. 罪と罰 (Tsumi to Batsu)
Now here's something new, its an up-tempo dance track with a taste of 1980's so it sounds old but really nice. As Yamapi said “This is a really up-tempo dance number, everything about if from the arrangement. The ‘Yamapi’ calls are fun too. It’s got a taste of the 1980′s. I think its old feel is cool too!” I think its a great song specially at the chorus because his vocals are great and flawless.
8. 口づけでアディオス (Kuchiduke de Adios)
This track was released in his single One in a Million I'm glad he included it in this album.
9. 青春アミーゴ(Seishun Amigo)
This track was released long time ago in 2005, it was the theme song of j-drama Nobuta wo Produce Yamapi sang it with Kamenashi Kazuya who was also starring in this j-drama. The arrangements are Spanish influenced, both of their vocals are just amazing in this track. I love the chorus mostly in this track because their voices are nice together, I hope they sing together again someday.
10. 最強のラブ・ソング(Saikyo no Love Song)
The next track is Yamapi's first ballad, piano takes over the arrangements. His vocals are gentle and nice, made the song sounds emotional specially at the chorus and bridge near the ending. Great track.
11. 青 (Ao)
The last track is available only in regular edition of this album, its written by Yamapi when he was 19 so he finally recorded it. It's fast beat track with guitar leading in the arrangements, his vocals are pleasant to hear which blended well in the melody of this song.
1. Theme of “SUPERBAD”
Moving on to the next disk which titled "SUPERBAD", the first track is an intro for the whole album while a voice of a man gives an intro about Yamapi in english. Not a bad intro because is totally fits the "SUPERBAD" theme.
2. Tokyo Sinfonietta
Starts off where the previous track stops from the gothic dark melody to downbeat track, goes faster as the song builds. ENGRISH 0.0 and loads of it in the verse lines, also auto-tune. The chorus is quite catchy though, its what makes the song addictive.
The next track is a fast beat dance track at least with tolerable engrish, also packed with auto-tune. I like it but I don't like it at the same time because I never been a fan of auto-tune vocals but I liked it because it's addictive and catchy.
4. One in a Million
Another dance track which was released before. I guess this CD includes all auto-tune tracks.
5. Yours Baby
The next track is also dance fast beat one but a bit mellow compared to the previous tracks. No auto-tune vocals in it thank god, the melody in it is catchy and Yamapi tries to change his voice during the chorus by hitting high notes.
As the previous tracks were dance and fast beat, obviously this one would be the same. I actually didn't like it that much because I felt it's a filler in this album and forgettable since most tracks are almost the same in this album, nothing special in this track.
7. Loveless
Finally breaking the fast beat dance track chain of tracks, the next track is a slower piano based track. His vocals are emotional and sad in this track which makes this song stands out. Beautiful song and I'm glad he included it in this album.
8. ごめんね (Gomen-ne)
Starts off in a techno melody, then switches to slow guitar based track. This track is a med-tempo ballad, like the previous track it shows off Yamapi's emotional side through his vocals. I can't say I like it more than Loveless though.
9. Blood Diamond
Returning to the fast beat dance tracks again, electric guitar based arrangements and auto-tune again. I wouldn't compare it to the previous track because I like this track more than the others despite the auto-tune vocals, it's catchy and I like it.
10. Sleepwalking
The next track starts off slow as it builds up to picks up faster pace from verse lines to the chorus, I didn't like the chorus much because Yamapi's vocals failed in transaction from high note to low note so it sounds a bit off rhythm, I didn't like it that much.
11. Touch You (only available on regular edition)
Still at the chain of fast beat tracks with auto-tune vocals, Yamapi described this song as “This song’s motif is a mobile phone. It describes how calling isn’t enough and I want to feel you” I didn't like it much because I felt it's off rhythm during the verse lines but it grew in me after few listens, the chorus starts slow then goes faster by the end of the lines which makes it catchy.
12. TOMO (only available on regular edition)
“TOMO’ comes from the ‘TOMO’ of ‘Tomohisa’. You’ll have to hear it to know what kind of song it is!” as Yamapi said. Fast beat dance track also but not much auto-tune in it just in few lines and background vocals, also in chorus lines which is quite addictive, really enjoyable song.
13. Friday Night (only available on regular edition)
The next track starts off slow and silent during the verse lines as it changes to up-tempo track with loads of auto-tune vocals. I find this track enjoyable, the beat is mixed with nice guitar melody in the background arrangements.
14. MOLA (R-midwest REMIX) (only available on regular edition)
DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN this album has too much tracks -.- Ok finally the last track of the entire album,titled MOLA which means cool in spanish. Starts off with piano then it builds up to up-tempo track, Yamapi's vocals are auto-tuned. I can't describe it much because its a remix so it shifts from up-tempo to slow, I like it though.
Overall ... WOW 0.0 seriously I got no word to describe it because I love each track of it even the ones I didn't like that much, AWESOME ALBUM <3

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