Good evening, Big Brother lovers!
As I write this intro, we are 3 days and 15 minutes from the east coast premiere of Big Brother 12!! Yayyy!!! :0) It's so close, I can taste it!
As a reminder, we're also 2 days from the end of the 29.99 early bird deal on the live feeds. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the deal now, while you've still got some time to get used to the brand new web interface and sort out any glitches you might encounter.
Moving right along, with every new season brings 100% clean slate time for all the HGs from the past season. They've all made amends with each other and become the best of friends, part of a family that only they can truly understand and one that endures. Now it's our turn... and this includes all the BB11 HGs, whether they left through the front door or the back.
OK.. on with the real reason for this surprise post! In addition to BB6/AllStars Howie Gordon whom you know will be blogging with us this season from a previous post, I'm very happy to announce that for Big Brother 12, we'll be having a BB Alumni He Said - She said!
Dishers, please join me in welcoming BB11 Lydia Tavera!! :) In addition to blogging exclusively with BBDish this season, Lydia's doing a really fun new show with BB11 Kevin on their own site: and they're doing a fantastic job of it. Their 1st guest was BB10 Renny. You must check it out!
Lucky for us, Lydia's got quite a lot to say about her take on the BB12 HGs, and here she is!
Take it away, Lydia!
Today is the one year anniversary that I met my Big Brother 11 family! OMG, right?! How fast the time has flown by this past year. stolen from
Another summer is upon us, and this year I won’t be playing Big Brother but watching the “New Kids” (that’s what I call the new HGs) try to lie, cheat, win, lose, cry, laugh, yell and throw each other under the bus!
I have to say, since being on Big Brother I have become a huge fan of the show.
On June 30th, America learned who the new HGs for Big Brother 12 were. I woke up at 5am west coast time to see who these “New Kids’’ were. Let’s see if they have the right stuff... hahaha. This was copied/pasted/stolen from
Andrew- First let me say, I think Andrew is the Saboteur. He describes himself as sneaky. Hmmm... interesting.
Intelligent, Doctor, doesn’t seem too bothered to make friends right off the bat. Saboteur qualities?! Hmmmm…
Andrew gets huge points in my book for listing going to Toys R Us as one of his favorite activities. The whole watching ESPN all the time isn’t rad, but whatever, he’s a guy. Some interesting insight Andrew gives in his Big Brother 12 CBS bio is beauty can control him. Oh snap, Andrew! The girl’s in the house will use beauty, charm, flirtation and whatever else to blindside you.
Ekk don’t fall for it Andrew, be strong!stolen from
Annie- First off, Annie, it’s no secret weapon to be a Bi-Sexual female in the game of Big Brother!
At first sight Annie looks like Laura from BB11. Long, dark hair, skinny, sassy, but without the boobs and beautiful blue eyes Laura has, of course!
Annie’s life motto is, “When life gives you lemons, say f**k the lemons and bail.” Hahaha! Try and bail out of the Big Brother 12 house, Annie, once the yelling, backstabbing and vicious rumors about you start!
I haven’t enjoyed watching Annie’s interviews so far, 'cause she trashed past HGs, which isn’t cool. In addition Annie makes the statement that if she becomes a Jury House Member that she will not be bitter towards the people or person who sent her to Jury. Hahahaha... ya sure, I think Annie has a lot to learn this summer!
Brendon- Hello, Jeff 2.0!
Seriously, did Big Brother really look for another Jeff for America to fall in love with?!
Yes, Brendon is a hot guy who seems charming but let’s see if he is gonna be sweet, funny and humble like Jeff from BB11. I predict all the girls will love that Big Brother gave them some eye candy.
As I write this intro, we are 3 days and 15 minutes from the east coast premiere of Big Brother 12!! Yayyy!!! :0) It's so close, I can taste it!
As a reminder, we're also 2 days from the end of the 29.99 early bird deal on the live feeds. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the deal now, while you've still got some time to get used to the brand new web interface and sort out any glitches you might encounter.
Moving right along, with every new season brings 100% clean slate time for all the HGs from the past season. They've all made amends with each other and become the best of friends, part of a family that only they can truly understand and one that endures. Now it's our turn... and this includes all the BB11 HGs, whether they left through the front door or the back.
OK.. on with the real reason for this surprise post! In addition to BB6/AllStars Howie Gordon whom you know will be blogging with us this season from a previous post, I'm very happy to announce that for Big Brother 12, we'll be having a BB Alumni He Said - She said!
Dishers, please join me in welcoming BB11 Lydia Tavera!! :) In addition to blogging exclusively with BBDish this season, Lydia's doing a really fun new show with BB11 Kevin on their own site: and they're doing a fantastic job of it. Their 1st guest was BB10 Renny. You must check it out!
Lucky for us, Lydia's got quite a lot to say about her take on the BB12 HGs, and here she is!
Take it away, Lydia!
Another summer is upon us, and this year I won’t be playing Big Brother but watching the “New Kids” (that’s what I call the new HGs) try to lie, cheat, win, lose, cry, laugh, yell and throw each other under the bus!
I have to say, since being on Big Brother I have become a huge fan of the show.
On June 30th, America learned who the new HGs for Big Brother 12 were. I woke up at 5am west coast time to see who these “New Kids’’ were. Let’s see if they have the right stuff... hahaha. This was copied/pasted/stolen from

Intelligent, Doctor, doesn’t seem too bothered to make friends right off the bat. Saboteur qualities?! Hmmmm…
Andrew gets huge points in my book for listing going to Toys R Us as one of his favorite activities. The whole watching ESPN all the time isn’t rad, but whatever, he’s a guy. Some interesting insight Andrew gives in his Big Brother 12 CBS bio is beauty can control him. Oh snap, Andrew! The girl’s in the house will use beauty, charm, flirtation and whatever else to blindside you.
Ekk don’t fall for it Andrew, be strong!stolen from

At first sight Annie looks like Laura from BB11. Long, dark hair, skinny, sassy, but without the boobs and beautiful blue eyes Laura has, of course!
Annie’s life motto is, “When life gives you lemons, say f**k the lemons and bail.” Hahaha! Try and bail out of the Big Brother 12 house, Annie, once the yelling, backstabbing and vicious rumors about you start!
I haven’t enjoyed watching Annie’s interviews so far, 'cause she trashed past HGs, which isn’t cool. In addition Annie makes the statement that if she becomes a Jury House Member that she will not be bitter towards the people or person who sent her to Jury. Hahahaha... ya sure, I think Annie has a lot to learn this summer!

Seriously, did Big Brother really look for another Jeff for America to fall in love with?!
Yes, Brendon is a hot guy who seems charming but let’s see if he is gonna be sweet, funny and humble like Jeff from BB11. I predict all the girls will love that Big Brother gave them some eye candy.
- *** I can only speak for me... Thanks, BB! -xo, Carolyn
Is there anything else to really say about Brendon, ugh, no! I predict he might have a showmance.

Britney has many strong opinions and ideas on what Big Brother entails. Britney comes off as a stronger female among the pack but seems like her buttons could be easily pressed. Might be fun to watch her go off on another HG.
Getting along with the gays and gossiping is something Britney claims comes naturally to her. Let’s see if her and Ragan become besties!

Meow Meow Mafia! Hahaha!
I think Enzo has the biggest personality in the Big Brother 12 house.
I love that Enzo talks about his wife and daughter in his interviews. Holding it down for the Italian’s this year!
I think some of the females in the house might not know how to take Enzo’s personality.
Unfortunately, I foresee that Enzo could become an easy target for the HGs to gang up on .
Enzo gets the Lydia BB11 seal of approval! Hope he makes it to the end!

More eye-candy, ladies! His name sounds like Braden, and he looks like the surfer version of Nick from BB8.
- ***Yes! That's it! I was wondering who his face reminded me of, but I couldn't put my finger on it! Hayden, no mid-season mohawking, please. kthxbye! -Carolyn
Seems like a nice guy. I’m sure the BB12 girls will enjoy looking at Hayden shirtless.
One of Hayden’s pet peeves are messy people who don’t pull their own weight. Let’s see how well Hayden deals with Monet the self proclaimed “Princess.”

Is there a new Sheriff in town?! Hehehe!
In my opinion Kathy should not tell the other HGs that she is a Sheriff.
The men will be threatened by Kathy’s strength.
I don’t see Kathy getting along with the females in the house.
Oh Kathy, btw, stop sh*t talking the BB11 HGs...
It’s not gonna make you friend’s once you get out!

This girl showed love for Braden.
Hi, Kristen, did you not hear him call Julie Chen a wh(Bleep!)?!
As far as I’m concerned Kristen has some redeeming to do.
Oh... and topless photo’s of Kristen came out quick.
Gotta love the dirt the Big Brother fans find.

Hello, Hottie from Texas!
I think Lane will be the male version of Jordan BB11.
Viewed as sweet, innocent, doesn’t know any better... and fly under the radar.
The only downfall to Lane is gonna be his size.
I can see the other HGs targeting him 'cause he’s a big guy.
I really hope Lane can be laid back and not get sucked into a showmance or drama.

Congrats on getting Married recently, but dammm, Big Brother will be harder on Matt’s wife.
I find it funny that Matt thinks he can leave his emotions at the door and not let Big Brother effect him.
I believe Matt has such a great chance of going far in the game, if he doesn’t play all his cards at once...
And let’s hope Matt doesn’t make the comment, “I run this house.” Matt’s confidence, intelligence and larger than life personality could be his undoing in the BB12 house.
I have my fingers crossed that Matt makes some drama, gives great Diary Room and makes it far this summer.

“Big Brother has too many trashy bimbos on the show- it’s time they step up their standards and put a classy girl like myself in the house.”
This chick just said that! What The FRENCH TOAST?! Monet is a “Model.” Seriously, Big Brother, did you have to cast someone who is a Princess from our worst Nightmare?
I don’t find anything likeable about this girl. She needs a huge slice of Humble Pie!
I hope Britney kicks her ass... or Monet goes out week 1, 2 or 3.
- ***OK, Lyds, c'mon, don't hold back. How do you really feel about Monet? ;) -C

Oh, I think Big Brother found a redheaded Michele Noonan 2.0... just not as smart.
I don’t like how Rachel keeps saying in interviews, “I’m hot, with big boobs, and no one ever thinks I’m smart, but I’m a chemist... (awkward laugh)”
Really? Who call’s themselves hot?!
I know Rachel will cause drama! It will be fun to see who pushes Rachel to fly off the handle.
Oh Rachel, by the way, you will never be like Janelle from BB6 and All Stars. Janelle didn’t have to say how hot she was for people to take notice.

The one token gay HG spot has gone to Ragan.
We all know I love my gays, and I think Ragan with his bow-ties is super cute!
Love, Love, Love!
I really think Ragan has a good grasp on people and the game aspect of Big Brother.
A lot of the other male BB12 HG have stated they want to work with “the gay guy” this season, so Ragan could use that to his advantage.
Wow! So that’s all the HG from my perspective so far. This is all based on interviews and bios I have read. I hope these girls stop trash talking past HGs and realize everything they have said prior to entering the house will go out the window once the game starts.
Some predictions for this season of BB12 are... The men will run the house... Maybe a showmance between Brendon and Britney. Rachel might have a showmance or Monet, who knows?
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